Article 1 – Name and Jurisdiction
Section 1: This organization shall be known as the PSONA Paranormal Research Team.
Section 2: The headquarters of this organization shall be located in the city of Norwood, county of Norfolk, state of Massachusetts. The organization may have other branches anywhere needed, as the Founder, Director and Leadership deem appropriate.
Section 3: The jurisdiction of this organization shall include the entirety of the United States of America with special focus on the New England region and surrounding areas defined as a 200 mile radius from Norwood, Massachusetts.
Article 2 – Purposes and Objectives
Section 1: The purpose and objective of this organization shall be:
A: To scientifically research and without bias or prejudice explore the realm of the paranormal defined as; ghosts, spirits, haunts, poltergeists, demonic and negative entities and life after death.
B: To attempt to gather evidence of the existence of the paranormal through on site investigation at allegedly haunted locations aided by special equipment deemed appropriate by the Founder, Director and Leadership.
C: To examine all available forms of evidence related to the paranormal including but not limited to photographs, audio, video and any physical evidence gathered.
D: To report any validated evidence related to the paranormal to the membership and public in any medium deemed appropriate by the Founder, Director and Leadership including but not limited to publication on the organization’s website: .
E: To educate the membership and public of the paranormal, including but is not limited to talks/lectures, public and private meetings and appearance in various media publications and outlets.
F: To receive, manage, invest, expend or otherwise use the funds and property of this organization to carry out and achieve these objectives and purposes set forth in these bylaws and for such additional objectives and purposes not inconsistent therein that will further the interests of this organization and its members, either directly or indirectly.
Article 3 – Official Logos and Seals
Section 1: The official logo and seal of this organization shall be recognized as wording in white or black Eurostyle Extended Bold Font for the wording “PSONA” and Eurostyle Extended for “Paranormal Research” and or including “Paranormal Society of North Attleboro” Font printed on a white or black background, also including a symbol of a white or black compass with overlaid wording “PSONA” through the compass with the wording “Paranormal Research” and or including the wording “Paranormal Society of North Attleboro” directly centered underneath “PSONA” It will also include a compass design including an under laid “Orb” (mist type circle) centered in and around the compass and wording.
Section 2: All official logos and seals of this organization are copyrighted and shall remain the property of this organization. This includes all official forms and documents, all publications both physical and published on the organization’s website: . The official logos and seals may not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without the express written consent and permission of the Founder of this organization.
Section 3: The title “PSONA Paranormal Research”, “PSONA”, “Paranormal Society of North Attleboro” and “ ” remains the exclusive property of the Founder of this organization and may not be used by any other individual, organization or business without the express written consent and permission of the Founder.
Section 4: All members may use the official logo and seal of this organization providing that its use is consistent with the acceptable practices of this organization as deemed appropriate by the Founder.
Article 4 – Membership Eligibility
Section 1: Subject only to the specific conditions set forth hereinafter, any person of good moral character who has an interest in the paranormal shall be eligible for membership at the discretion of the Founder, Director and Leadership.
Section 2: Any person expressing interest in joining this organization may become a member providing he/she meets the following requirements unless otherwise waived by the Founder or Director:
A: All members must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid state issued ID or Drivers License prior to applying. This provision applies to all members, new or current.
B: He/She must complete and pass a verbal interview with the Founder, Director and or Leadership of this organization.
C: He/She must fully understand the terms and conditions and sign a membership agreement. This provision applies to all members, new or current
D: He/She must have their own form of transportation or have means of travel to and from all organization events.
E: He/She must agree to attend no less than 50% of all announced organization meetings, training sessions and other mandatory special events. This provision applies to all members, new or current.
F: He/She must agree to dress appropriately for the event in which they are involved. This includes acquiring at minimum an official uniform shirt at your earliest financial convenience. Uniform orders must be submitted to the Founder, Director or Designated Uniform Leader and will be purchased at cost – no markup or profit will be gained from uniform purchases. This provision applies to all members, new or current.
Section 3: No person shall be eligible for membership if:
A: He/She refuses to follow established rules and protocols of this organization or its bylaws.
B: He/She refuses to obligate themselves to some type of acceptable participation in scheduled investigations, meetings, training sessions and/or public special events.
C: There is reason to believe that he/she may not adhere to or abide by the established rules and protocols of this organization or its bylaws.
D: There is reason to believe that he/she has falsified any membership information.
E: He/She advocates race, religious or class hatred or discrimination.
F: He/She refuses to dress appropriately for the event in which they are involved.
G: He/She has ever been convicted of a felony crime by any governmental unit.
H: He/She refuses to sign a Disclosure, Waiver of Liability and Confidentiality agreement.
Section 4: Membership can be sanctioned or revoked if:
A: He/She does not attend 50% of all announced organization meetings, training sessions or other mandatory special events.
B: He/She attempts or accomplishes to undermine the credibility of the organization in any way.
C: He/She divulges any privileged or confidential information gathered during investigations, research, meetings, training sessions, client interviews, reveals and/or special public events with anyone who is not a member of this organization or its current allies. All information is to be considered privileged or confidential and should only be discussed within the organization.
D: He/She uses alcohol or illegal drugs prior to or during investigations, client interviews, reveals and/or special public events.
E: He/She fails to act in a safe and professional manner during all events.
F: He/She trespasses or violates the law of any governmental unit during any event.
G: He/She is simply dishonest or demonstrates other bad traits which may reflect negatively on this organization.
H: He/She falsifies any records, research, investigation logs or evidence.
I: He/She violates any established rule or protocol of this organization or its bylaws.
Section 5: Member code of conduct and regulations:
A: It is the responsibility of all organization members to conduct themselves in a safe and professional manner at all times. All members are reminded that they are a representative of this organization and that their conduct reflects on this organization.
B: All members while participating in investigations, client interviews, reveals or and/or special public events must be dressed in appropriate attire for both the physical and social environment of the location. This includes but is not limited to: comfortable, but safe footwear; dark, non-reflective clothing that is in good condition; no loose hanging items such as wallet chains, key fobs, etc.; long hair tied back to prevent interference, and an official uniform shirt as part of the standard uniform unless otherwise waived by the Founder and/or Director.
C: A team member assigned by the Founder and/or Director at any event is in command and makes all final decisions concerning the event. Failure to follow directions, any established rule or protocol of this organization or its bylaws is grounds for immediate removal from the event and/or termination of membership.
D: All events must be conducted in a courteous and professional manner.
E: Use of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden before or during any event. If you are taking prescription drugs please notify the most senior member before the event begins to avoid future complications.
F: All members will refrain from using obscene, foul or abusive language near clients or the public.
G: All members are required to respect the privacy of all clients, allied groups and locations that we are working with.
H: All inquiries from the media, law enforcement, concerned citizens and others at the event scene will be directed to the assigned member conducting the event.
I: All members are required to respect the event site. This includes but is not limited to: no trespassing, no burglary, no littering, no vandalism, no theft, no pranks or practical jokes and any other activity which is deemed inappropriate by the Founder and/or Director or Assigned Team Leader.
J: All members must have a valid state issued ID in their possession during all events.
K: No member is to investigate alone due to safety and credibility concerns.
L: All members are required to collect evidence and take notes and submit said evidence and notes to the Founder and/or Director.
M: All events except meetings are for members only. Please do not bring guests without first consulting the Founder and/or Director.
N: All members are required to arrive at scheduled events in a timely manner. If a member must be absent from a scheduled event the Founder and/or Director must be notified prior to the scheduled event. In case of emergency, please notify the Founder and/or Director as soon as safely possible.
O: There will be absolutely no tolerance of firearms or weapons of any kind on any PSONA activity and or investigation. Only certified Peace Officers will be permitted exception.
P: The Founder, Director and Leadership of this organization retain the right to have the “final say”. Your opinion will be respected and considered in all decisions.
Section 6: Other membership points:
A: The Founder of this organization has the exclusive right to deny membership to anyone who does not meet the high standards of the PSONA Paranormal Research Team.
B: All issued photo ID cards are the sole property of this organization and must be surrendered to the Founder upon request if membership is terminated by either party.
C: All new members are placed on a 90 day probationary period upon being accepted into this organization. This period may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Founder.
D: This organization is not obligated in any way to retain any member that does not meet the high standards of this organization. Continuing membership is based on the discretion of the Founder and may be terminated at any time by a majority vote of the Founder, Director and Leadership.
E: This organization is not obligated in any way to accept members or continue membership to those who belong to another group of paranormal investigators. This could result in a conflict of interest. The Founder may grant exception to the rule in certain circumstances.
Article 5 – Meetings
Section 1: This organization will hold team meetings at least four times within one calendar year in order to update members within the organization. This meeting will serve as an opportunity to interview potential members; discuss organization business, to report validated evidence, banking records, further member training and other matters deemed appropriate by the Founder, Director and Leadership.
Section 2: The first aforementioned meeting held after the beginning of the fiscal year will also serve as this organizations annual meeting.
Article 6 – Leadership
Section 1: The Leadership of this organization shall consist of the following: Founder, Co-Founder, Director, Lead Investigators and Senior Investigators. The Leadership of this organization shall have the responsibility to make decisions for this organization by a vote or general consensus. All decisions of the Founder are considered final, but may be appealed in writing for reconsideration.
Section 2: Eligibility to hold a Leadership position in this organization shall be governed by the sole discretion of the Founder and the provisions of the bylaws.
A: All Leadership positions are appointed by the Founder in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws. There shall be no term limit on any position.
B: All Leadership positions hold a slightly higher rank than members and are offered some special privileges such as unlimited access to all organization information and priority on event rosters.
C: Any member may apply for a vacant Leadership position after they have completed their 90 day probationary period. All appointments will be made based on the member’s involvement in the organization and their willingness to assist fellow members.
Section 4: Leadership duties may vary. In general the following duties will be associated with the following positions:
A: Founder: Oversee daily operations of this organization; Supervise all members, Leadership and committees; Enact policy reforms, resolutions and amendments to the bylaws; Maintain all financial records and administer any organization funds and property; Preside over and maintain order in investigations, research, meetings, training sessions or other special events; Appoint Leadership positions and committees; Serve as a Lead Investigator to guide and advise members in established rules and protocols of this organization and its bylaws; Serve as webmaster and moderator of and all domains and utilities therein; Maintain all membership records; Analyze and validate evidence; Organize investigations, research, meetings, training sessions or other special events; Promotion of this organization in various forums and media outlets; Maintain this organizations credibility; Recruit new members and insure proper training standards; All other duties not inconsistent with the goals of this organization and furthering its interest.
B: Co-Founder and or Director: Serve as an advisor to the Founder; Serve as a Lead Investigator to guide and advise members in established rules and protocols of this organization and its bylaws; Supervise all members, support staff and committees; Recruit new members and insure proper training standards; Maintain this organizations credibility; All other duties not inconsistent with the goals of this organization and furthering its interest; Reports to the Founder.
C: Lead Investigators: Serve as an advisor to the founder(s); Serve as a guide to investigators and advise members in established rules and protocols of this organization and its bylaws; Supervise all members and committees; Recruit new members and insure proper training standards; Maintain this organizations credibility; All other duties not inconsistent with the goals of this organization and furthering its interest; Reports to the Founder.
Section 5: Special consultants may be retained by this organization that is not necessarily members. They may be utilized for their expert opinions or talents to further the goals and interests of this organization.
Article 7 – Evidence Ownership
Section 1: All evidence collected during an investigation including but not limited to: Audio, Photography, Video and sensor data is the property of the PSONA Paranormal Paranormal Research Team – not the site owner/operator.
Section 2: All evidence collected may be considered for publication on the organization’s website: , in training materials and other mediums as deemed appropriate by the Founder and Leadership and in accordance with the specifics of the Site Confidentiality Agreement.
Section 3: All positive evidence collected by members must be submitted to the Founder for review and publication consideration. Members may reserve the rights to any evidence submitted from an investigation by specifying, in writing what rights they wish to retain unless otherwise waived by the Founder.
Article 8 – Donations and Funding
Section 1: This organization shall be non profit and shall not charge for any service that it provides.
Section 2: This organization shall accept donations for equipment, supplies, travel expenses, etc to aide in furthering the goals and interests of this organization and its members.
Section 3: This organization shall accept monetary donations to aide in furthering the goals and interests of this organization and its members. These monetary donations will be accepted via a paypal link on this organizations website: and through voluntary contributions.
Article 9 – Fiscal Year
Section 1: The fiscal year of this organization shall be from January 01 to December 31.
Article 10 – Amendments
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended, altered, repealed or added to by the Founder of this organization as deemed necessary by the Founder, Director and Leadership. Notice will be given to all members and an effective date for any amendments or changes will be given.
Revised: September 30, 2019